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"Two    Injured    Daughters"

"Alright, Mom, I'm Ok," Ashley said, wobbling as she climbed the steps to the bleachers. Ashley had just been released from the hospital on chruches, and a large ace bandage on her foot. She sat down and looked toward the court where Dawn was warming up for her game. Ashley watched as Dawn stole a pass and went up for an easy layup.

She glanced up to see Ashley sitting up there and ran up. "Hey there! Oh gosh, I'm SO glad you are out of the hospital!" Dawn exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her sister in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you were able to come." she said. She reached over and gave her mother a hug also, who was talking to some of the other parents.

Ashley laughed and replied, "Aww, thank you. Well, there was cheerleading tonight but, obviously, I can't go, so I'm here."

Dawn nodded and criticlly examined her foot. "Well, it doesn't look as bad as it did, when are you able to get back to training?" she asked.

Ashley sighed. "At least a week. But it could be more. I mean, it s not like I broke it. Kelley already told me they were going back to the origainal routine and someone is temporarily going to take my place."

Dawn nodded. "Thats good...but- oh shit, I have to go finish practice! We're about to start! Bye!" Dawn thundered back down the bleachers and back to the court."Alright, Mom, I'm Ok," Ashley said, wobbling as she climbed the steps to the bleachers. Ashley had just been released from the hospital on chruches, and a large ace bandage on her foot. She sat down and looked toward the court where Dawn was warming up for her game. Ashley watched as Dawn stole a pass and went up for an easy layup.

She glanced up to see Ashley sitting up there and ran up. "Hey there! Oh gosh, I'm SO glad you are out of the hospital!" Dawn exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her sister in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you were able to come." she said. She reached over and gave her mother a hug also, who was talking to some of the other parents.

Ashley laughed and replied, "Aww, thank you. Well, there was cheerleading tonight but, obviously, I can't go, so I'm here."

Dawn nodded and criticlly examined her foot. "Well, it doesn't look as bad as it did, when are you able to get back to training?" she asked.

Ashley sighed. "At least a week. But it could be more. I mean, it s not like I broke it. Kelley already told me they were going back to the origainal routine and someone is temporarily going to take my place."

Dawn nodded. "Thats good...but- oh shit, I have to go finish practice! We're about to start! Bye!" Dawn thundered back down the bleachers and back to the court.

"Sheesh Tay! You could have at least TRIED to help your brother!" whined Zac.

The whole Hanson family had just got back from dinner to the hotel and was greeted by a huge group of screaming fans.

"Excuusee me, but I was already far ahead of you and the crowd! And dad was right behind you!" Taylor shot back.

An unruley fan had tried grabbing Zac and pulling him into the crowd.

"Whatever brat!" Zac stuck out his tongue and went back to his hotel room.

Thank GOD we all have seprate rooms or Zac would be dead by now Taylor thought.

He flopped down and turned on the TV. A local basketball game was playing. That reminded him of something. *Oh, FUCK! I forgot about Dawns basketball game tonight! DAMMN! She must hate me! Wait...She couldnt play could she? Because of her foot?? Damn! I hate this! I'll have to make it up to her.*

He couldnt figure out how to call the states on the phone so he just gave up and slammed the reciever down. *Later.*

"Tigers are # 1, Tigerrs are #1!!" yelled the crowd as Dawn bounded down the court and went up for an easy 2 points. The Tigers were trailing by 5, and the visiting team the Panthers weren't giving up. Ashley glanced over at her mom. "And I thought you said Dawn wasn't doing that well??" she asked. Mrs. Smith laughed. "Well, I guess shes feeling better. She already has 13 points!" she replied. They turned their attention back and watched as Dawn jumped up to grab the ball that bounced up off the rim. Apparently, some girl from the other team reached up to and knocked Dawn down, causing her to crash to the floor. The whistle blew and the crowd gasped as Dawn remained unmoving. Oh lord. I must of had the wind knocked out of me Dawn thought blankly. The girl who knocked her down squatted down and tried to help her up. "Ohmygod! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!!" she said, trying to keep her from moving. Dawn gave her an angry glance and snapped her hand back as she slowly sat up. "Ouch. Dammit. Girl, you knocked me over hard." Dawn said, giving the girl another look. "You should have just let me have the ball." The girl looked worried as she brushed a strand of her red hair from her eyes. "God. I am so sorry. I didn't know you were so fragile." she reached down again and tried helping her up. "Please. Let me help you up. Its the last thing I could do." Dawn looked warily as her coach and mother ran over to help her. "Its ok. Don't worry about it. OUCH!" she cried as she tried getting up on her left leg. "My knee!" Her coach came over and carefully examined it as her mother soothingly ran her hand through her daughters hair.. "Dawn, hon, it looks like you bruised that knee pretty well. Maybe you shouldn't play anymore this game." her coach said, giving Dawn a boost as she helped Dawn up. The girl glanced worridely at her knee. "Can I help?" Dawn's mother gave her a soothing smile. "Dont worry, she'll be ok, and we got it taken care of," she said. The girl stepped back and smiled. "Ok, as long as you do. My name is Coleen Martini. Let me know if you need anything." she said as she trotted back to her bench. Weird girl Dawn thought as they went back to bandage and wrap her knee. "Lets see now, I have to injured daughters," said Cara Smith as she glanced over at her two daughters which were sitting on the couch. They have left the game immdeiately and came home so they could rest. "Whos up for some soup?" their mother asked. "Me!" Dawn and Ashley said in unison. They looked at each other and giggled. Ashley reached over for the remote and turned on MTV. The end of the new Spice Girls video was playing. "Ew," Dawn said, trying to get herself comfortable, "I hate this song. Try VH1." she told her sister. Ashley nodded agreeabley and flipped through the channels. "Well, what do you know..." Ashley said, a smile forming on her lips. "I Will Come To You? This must be a new video." Dawn nodded and continued watch Hanson croon their necks and sing with the song. *Wow. Hes so beautiful*, Dawn thought as she watched Taylor's expession on the TV. "He's gorgeous" Dawn thought aloud. Ashley looked over at her sister and giggled. "Wow. I didnt know you had a thing for Zac," she said, laughing. "HUH? Oh. No!" Dawn said, snapping put of her trance. "I mean, they are all cuties and everything but still." Dawn said, playing with her pillow. Ashley sent her sister a knowning glance. "Ohhh. I see. Anyways, If you do like Zac, I can get you with him. Sorry, Isaac's taken already sis," Ashley laughed. Dawn rolled her eyes and threw the pillow at her. "Yeah, Ash, WHATEVER! As if!" Dawn said in her Cher voice and Ashley and her started cracking up. *I'm lucky shes my sister*, Dawn thought.